I Met A Strangers Soul And It Changed My Life

Sharing is caring!

Spoiler alert: This is not a ‘how-to’, advice kind of post. This is a ‘I have these feelings and thoughts – let’s put them into the world’ kinda post. Unedited and a tad clumsy, here we go…

It was a beautiful day, I don’t remember the season but it wasn’t overly hot or cold. I was walking my dog and towards the end of our usual route, we passed a couple, walking their dog.

I don’t remember the specific pleasantries we exchanged, but I do remember his parting words, “have a wonderful day”.

A simple, and fairly common, full stop statement. I’ve heard (and said) it hundreds of times before.

There’s so much about last week I don’t remember, but I’ll never forget this particular moment, 3 years ago. Because it was at that precise moment that I met the soul of a stranger.

Of course, meeting strangers is nothing new, it happens most days. But this was the moment, where I’d been still enough, and ‘in tune’ enough to see, hear, and feel this stranger’s soul.

This was a whole other experience.

Since then I’ve met many more souls.

Just last week on my visit to Wellington I met another soul. An older Maori woman, an acquaintance of my best friends.

After we parted I said to my friend, ‘gosh what a beautiful soul!’. She looked at me sideways and made comments on how I never used to talk like this.

All loved up and spiritual 😛

And it’s true, I didn’t.

I was far too busy. Busyness kept me blinded and shielded from so much beauty. 

And then slowly, bit by bit, over the past 3 or 4 years, the walls have come down.

I’ve seen nature, for what feels like the first time. (And I fell deeply in love.)

And, I’ve seen souls, and fallen in love.

  • The friend of the family, going through a similar spiritual journey
  • My loyal and loving dog daughter
  • My neighbor who is a wool spinner and one of the most beautiful souls I’ve ever met
  • A local cafe (yes, I believe in the souls of places!)
  • The woman who came to look at renting our cottage – she chose somewhere else, but we’ve planned a bike ride!

Sometimes I’ve fallen in love with the person, but mostly I’ve fallen in love with feeling and seeing other people’s souls. 

So no, isn’t a ‘how to’ post. 

Honestly, I don’t know what the purpose of this is. Sometimes I write like this, and sometimes that’s okay.

But it’s hard to shake the way I’ve learned to write so I’ll finish with these two points.

Point 1

Now that I’ve met some souls – I want to meet more. This will consume quite a bit of my time over the near and distant future I think. But the tricky bit is this; I think the likelihood of meeting more souls has more to do with me baring mine than anything else.

This change and deepening of my faith (see this post), and newer way of understanding how God/the universe works, has awakened me to be aware of things I didn’t see before.

This openness, softness, and willingness to explore is what will introduce me to more souls.

Point 2

If you think this all sounds nuts that’s 100% okay! You get a pass, you are free to go 😊 (although I’ll miss you!).

But if you get what I’m trying to clumsily articulate here – then thing 2, is YOU. 

If you get this – my dear soul – I get you. And that is the point of this post. A connection of like-minded souls.

I accept you. You read this for a reason.

Happy soul meeting my friends.


  1. Amber October 31, 2020 at 10:06 am

    I feel this deeply 💛 over the last couple of years it’s like the walls are breaking down, and it’s baring the world that is on the other side.

    1. emmy.l.scheib@gmail.com October 31, 2020 at 9:46 pm

      Yes!!! There’s definitely something ‘afoot’ in the universe IMO. I’m so glad this resonates with you too xoxo

  2. Joanna October 31, 2020 at 11:37 am

    I love this. I see you dear one. You are a great soul.
    Soul sisters unite. Plus i love the idea of a. place having soul. Its what gravitates me to unique places. 💕💕

    1. emmy.l.scheib@gmail.com October 31, 2020 at 9:45 pm

      Hehe thank you Joanna. I see you too! xoxox

  3. Steph October 31, 2020 at 11:03 pm

    I’m so happy to know you exist, and that there are others out there like me. Thank you for sharing your soul (and wisdom) with us. xx

    1. emmy.l.scheib@gmail.com November 1, 2020 at 11:00 pm

      You are so welcome Steph! xo

  4. Sally Joy Stark October 31, 2020 at 11:41 pm

    How well I know! I’ve encountered so many places loaded with emotional “Detritus” (Including Churches, Cathedrals, Museums and apartments), that I almost flipped out. Fortunately, I had my own personal “Von Helsing” in my Grandmother, who was also “sensitive” to buildings. She taught me how to block the negativity, and keep myself on an even keel. Every living being who’s ever walked the Earth, leaves part of themselves behind, and we just need to learn how to harness it.

    1. emmy.l.scheib@gmail.com November 1, 2020 at 11:01 pm

      Yes! I totally believe that. Energy everywhere. What an interesting Grandmother!

  5. Жанна November 1, 2020 at 5:11 am

    I have gained a new respect for persons who make sacrifices and life changes, and who rage against the dying of the planet by educating and haranguing the rest of us about the thoughtlessness with which we treat Earth. I observe the trees in my yard, engaged in miraculous natural and chemical workings, and wonder what’s happening under the ground, in the secret life I know nothing of.

  6. Gurjeet K Singh November 1, 2020 at 5:33 am

    So beautiful! I feel your soul shining through your words. <3

    1. emmy.l.scheib@gmail.com November 1, 2020 at 10:59 pm

      Thank you friend!

  7. Shona November 2, 2020 at 4:04 pm

    Love this post. All of it, you brave soul! I see you, don’t stop bringing the light. xo

    1. emmy.l.scheib@gmail.com November 2, 2020 at 8:21 pm

      Thank you gorgeous lady! I see you too 🙂