How to restore balance in your life

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I don’t really believe in balance. Most of the time I think it’s a grandiose idea that just ends up being another ruler to measure ourselves against. 

But, being an ‘all or nothing’ person all of my life, I do thrive with a little more ‘middle ground’. A little more ‘in between’.

I know when I’m feeling a bit off kilter, or out of sorts I need to do some things to restore a little bit of balance in my life. 

Before I discovered slow living and minimalism I would often describe myself as feeling discombobulated. Which is really just a fancy word for saying I felt confused and disorientated. 

And this came from living at full speed. Non-stop. I was so busy that I would do weird things like put my phone in the fridge or lose the car key for days. My brain was literally not functioning properly because I was so out of balance.

What does ‘balance’ actually mean?

It would be helpful to stop here for a moment and explain what I believe that often elusive term ‘balance’ means.

One of the dictionary definitions of balance is this:

  1. an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.

And I like this. But I think the key words are upright and steady. And I don’t think we need a perfectly balanced life to achieve this. 

I believe that balance is when we are living as close as we can be to the most authentic version of ourselves. And, it’s when we are living in alignment with what we perceive to be our purpose, and/or aligned with the season of our life.

In other words, I believe in balance as an umbrella term for how we live in the world. 

A little (balance) goes along way

I think the main misconception with the idea of balance is that things need to be perfectly balanced all the time.

When in fact, all that needs to happen is for our scales to tip slightly more towards the middle, towards balance.

I imagine myself on a tightrope in between those scales, if things tip one way too far, I fall. But if I just take one small step towards the middle I am able to hold on longer.

I don’t have to aim for the middle, to stop from falling off that tightrope. Just one small step in the other direction will help.

Here are a few things I do to help myself when I need to restore balance; 

Get silent 

Getting silent always helps to restore my balance. And what I mean by this is silencing the external push/pull of the world. Mostly this is the dings from my phone. But sometimes I need to intentionally step back from enjoyable things like Netflix or podcasts as well.

Silence helps me reconnect to myself. The truest, most authentic version of myself. And it’s this version that is usually the most balanced and calm self. 

Get more sleep

Getting adequate sleep is an essential part of restoring my balance. My own sleep requirements are about 8.5 hours at the moment although I function well at about an hour either side. When I choose something (Netflix, too much wine, four chapters of a book) instead of sleep I suffer the next day.

I am more balanced when I regularly get my dose of sleep each night. 

Focus on the essentials

It’s hard to feel any kind of balance when we are pulled in a million different directions. Pare back and focus on only what you need to. Maybe that means you miss out on a get-together this week, or that you don’t bake for school lunches. Focus on what’s really essential and let the rest fall away. 

Cut back

Cut back on anything that’s happening in excess. Too much Netflix? Cut back. Too many zoom meetings? Cut back. Too much work? Cut back. If possible, try doing 80% of what you are currently doing.

I always feel completely out of balance when I let my good eating habits go. So if I want to feel more balanced I know I need to check in with my diet. Cut back on the lollies and the wine. And the peanut butter!

Be nice to myself 

I’m not even asking you to love yourself here. Just be nice to yourself! Don’t ask so much of yourself. Cut yourself some slack, ease up, let it go. Accept that things are the way they are right now and you just have to keep going, one minute at a time.

Make yourself a cup of tea, put your feet up and do what fills your soul for 10 minutes.


Getting into my body in some sort of way by moving is such a great way to restore balance. I am a runner and love yoga but you can move in whatever way is best for you. Some people love regular team games, others like to walk on the beach. 

Moving our limbs and breathing is an excellent way to restore balance when we are feeling off kilter. 


Connection is what we are alive for! Connecting with ourselves and others is one of the most fulfilling things we can do. If you feel off balance, check in and see if you’ve been either too social, or maybe too insulated. 

As a staunch introvert I need large swaths of time alone, but even introverts need regular, meaningful connection with the people we love.

Feeling off balance can be yucky, and it’s great to take steps to restore that balance. Just remember, there’s no such thing as being perfectly balanced all the time.

I’d love to know – what else do you do to help you restore balance in your life? Comment below and I’ll add to this list!


  1. Kate September 4, 2021 at 8:47 am

    Thank you so much for this! At the ripe old age of 47 I am finally learning the art of saying NO! For far too long I’ve ignored my gut and said yes to just about everything…and I’m worn out! I am now saying NO to things I just don’t want to do, and things that would probably be fun / educational / interesting / altruistic etc etc but that just add to my list of things to do! Thank you for helping me on my journey 😀

    1. September 4, 2021 at 10:52 pm

      You go girl! You won’t regret it 🙂