Minimalism is about more than clutter. Your emotions matter too.

Embarking on a decluttering and minimizing endeavour can be difficult. In fact, it can be downright scary at times. This is because minimalism isn’t just about your stuff—it’s also about your why. Why you accumulated so much in the first place. And this can be a difficult and emotional journey for anyone. Once upon a time, I was a shopaholic. Uncomfortable in my own skin, I attempted to…

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Swap ‘doing’ for ‘being’: How to stop doing all the things

I am often astounded at the energy levels of my two children. They seem to be constantly on the go, sitting still for long periods is definitely a struggle. When I mentioned this to a friend recently, her tongue-in-cheek reply was ‘oh yeah, and whose kids are they?’. And while many young children are like this, I can’t help but wonder if they are biologically wired…

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You can’t always live slow (and why I think you should try this approach instead)

If you are reading this then my guess is that you are interested in slow living or simplifying your life to some degree. This is wonderful because slowing down can be life-changing. But what really want you to know is that you can’t always live slow. At least not in the way the media has portrayed it. I run a blog and sell products designed…

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If you want a slower lifestyle, start with these 10 essentials

I’ve been consciously working towards a slower lifestyle for the past 8 years. It began one gloomy winter night as I lay in bed, pregnant with our second baby, and feeling the weight of everything.  At 35 I was still holding onto the idea that faster, better, and more would help me achieve the life I thought I wanted. Except all that did was leave…

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