About Me

My story began about a decade ago. 

I was 32 years old. My first born was 2 years old. I was working towards my masters in psychology and working full time. Oh, and I was training for a half ironman.

Count with me. That’s FOUR huge life-changing events I had going on all at once. And in the end, 1+1+1+1 did not equal 4. Yes, I completed my masters degree and the race, but I almost lost my sanity in the process. And that’s no understatement. I was having panic attacks, taking medication for anxiety and teetering on the brink of tearing a family apart.

Quite simply, I was overwhelmed. I was subscribed to busy and perfection and had zero coping strategies (unless you count alcohol – which we all know is not the smartest strategy).

Somehow, by the grace of God, hanging on a thread, I made my way through this turbulent time.

When I became pregnant with our second child 3 years later, I found myself questioning my way of living. I knew that I needed some tools to help me survive, so I literally sat down one day and googled ‘how to slow down’. And there my journey began.

Fast forward 8 years and the difference is huge. I’m dedicated to continually trying to put family first, letting go perfection and embracing acceptance.

I have immersed myself in all things ‘slow living’. Reading books, listening to podcasts, and most importantly, putting many of the lessons into practice.

I have replaced most of my medication with mindfulness exercises and put self-care at the top of my to-do list every day. I’ve learned how to say No.

The Journey never ends

I can’t imagine going back to life the way it was. Although it’s so easy to be tempted. Two years after my 2nd daughter was born I was offered my dream job. And after two years of letting busy take over again, I had to make a choice to choose slow again.

And this is how it will go, for the rest of my years. A constant, conscious choice, to choose the slower and simpler things. Things that nurture who I am so I can best serve my loved ones.

Choosing slow is never going to be easy, nor will I ever ‘arrive’. It’s a constant to and fro. Lots of times that’s frustrating and sometimes I’m ok with it!

I’m passionate about showing others how a slower and simpler life can give them freedom.

If you are interested in being brave and making a radical shift towards slow then come and check out your story.

Much love,
