5 Ways To Get More Time For Yourself

Sharing is caring!

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling a little under the pump. I’m unsure how it got to be the middle of October, but here we are. I’m pretty sure I feel like this every year and I’m pretty sure it’s getting worse. But I’m determined not to let the end-of-year rush kick my butt this year. I’m determined to make time and space for myself, regardless.

My game plan for surviving the next 3 months

Living slower looks different to everyone. And it looks different for me in different seasons or even on different days. Some days it looks like homemade crackers and pesto, and other days it looks like giving the kids chicken nuggets and carrot sticks for dinner.

But the one solid, unchanging aspect of my version of slow living is the importance of making time for myself.

When I’m constantly on the go, running errands or working, or tending to my families needs, I can very quickly tip into overwhelm and stress. Making space for myself is just as important as the physical needs of drinking enough water and getting enough sleep.

What is time for yourself?

It means physical breathing space. Going slow enough to take intentional deep breaths. It also means white space on my calendar. I try to do this by punctuating my ‘to-do’s’ with ‘do nothing’ time.

And space sometimes means the more typical activities associated with ‘self-care’, like baths and pedicures. But more often, it’s just a thought download to get the mental clutter out of my head and on paper.

And as an introvert, space is often alone time, but sometimes it’s time with friends and family.

It was my birthday last week and my hubby knew what the best birthday present was. Time. He took the kids off to church, while I took myself and the dog for a run, did some yoga, and then tidied the house.

If you like the sound of some of these ‘space’ ideas, and you are wondering how to get more space, I’ve got your back friends.

Let’s dive into five ways to get more space for YOU.

Deep planning

On the face of it, this little trick doesn’t seem simple, and initially, it can be a time sucker, but I know if I plan out the next few months it will pay off. In my journey to slow and simple, I’ve given up a lot of meticulous planning for, well, basically winging it (that’s the rebel in me)! But over the next few months, I’ll have to engage with my super organized persona if I want to achieve everything I need to.

That’s why this week I sat down and did some deep planning. My friend Krista, over at A Life in Progress created some gorgeous printables that made the task so much easier. The pack includes space to write; short-term personal goals, monthly goals, a weekly rhythm chart (with time blocks), and my personal favorites, the dawn and dusk rituals, and the habit tracker.

Filling these printables out, did several things for me. It helped me gain clarity about what really needs to happen over the next few months. It helped me to gain control over the chaos of ‘to-do’s’ that was in my head. But most importantly, it grounded me in my values and purpose.

Saying NO

I’ve talked about saying no before, but it’s always relevant. Learning to use ‘no’ as your default answer will be one of the easiest (but unconventional) ways to make space for yourself, especially in this season. And it doesn’t need to be as mean as it sounds.

You’ll need to start by inserting time between the request and your answer. You don’t have to commit (or decline) immediately. Then, in that time you’ve inserted, ask yourself a couple of questions. “is this request in line with my values at this point in my life?”, and “what will I have to say ‘no’ to, if I say ‘yes’ to this?”

Defining what ‘time’ is for you (realistically)

This week, time for me looked like a catch up with some old school friends, and then a belated birthday wine and pedicure with one of my besties. It was a blissful 5 hours away from the demands of the house and family.

But most days, it’s just a 20-minute walk with the dog at night. And on a bad day, it’s 5 minutes reading in bed, before falling asleep with the book over my face.

As much as you’d like it to look like facials or long solo walks on the beach, it won’t always (most of the time) be realistic. Write down some realistic things you’d like to do with your space.

Delete one commitment from your life (today)

This is, in a sense, the easiest way to make space for yourself. Pick one commitment that you have on your calendar for the next few months and hit delete. I’m not necessarily talking about letting someone down here. Aim for the low hanging fruit. For example, if you’ve made a commitment to go to the gym 3-4 times per week, cut out one of your sessions (unless, of course, this is YOU time).

If you desperately need space in your life then you may need to question whether you really need to be the 23rd PTA member, or whether you need to say yes to the extra shifts at work. Choose one small thing you can delete from your calendar. And don’t fill the space back up!

Say yes to something that’s just for YOU (today)

Many of you are parents, and even if you aren’t, many of you are selflessly serving in your family or community in some way. Which is wonderful. But you need to remember to do things just for yourself too.

Maybe there’s a cookie recipe that no one else in your house likes, but you love? Make it for yourself! Just remember to freeze portions so you don’t eat the whole tray 🙂 Maybe you never get time to drive to your favorite garden center? Book an appointment with yourself and do it.

YOU are just as important as anyone else in your household or community. YOUR needs matter. Say yes to something that’s just for you.

Taking care of yourself doesn’t mean me first, it means me too.

– LR Knost

Making time and space for ourselves can be hard but it’s a vital ingredient to living well. If you are looking to make a concrete step to making space for yourself, you might like to purchase a copy of these printables to help you. You can click HERE to get a copy. 


  1. Erica October 14, 2018 at 11:43 pm

    Thanks so much for linking to my thought download article, girl! I love this whole post and just shared on Facebook. 🙂 The part of this that stood out most to me today was “Say yes to something that’s just for you.” Even thought I *know* it and try to practice it, I still feel just the tiniest bit of guilt every time, so I needed this reminder today. Thank you!

    1. emmy.l.scheib@gmail.com October 15, 2018 at 12:13 am

      Thanks for the share Erica 🙂 I loved your thought download piece and have certainly been putting it into practice lately! Yep, the doing stuff JUST for ourselves is important and I think often missed out!

  2. Sandra October 18, 2018 at 7:00 am

    It’s such a good reminder to always try and find time for ourselves. I’ve been learning to say “no” more often, ever since I started my minimalist journey. Thanks for sharing this article!

    1. emmy.l.scheib@gmail.com October 18, 2018 at 6:34 pm

      You are welcome Sandra. And thanks for reading! Yup, saying no is a big part of the journey.